Multi-component injection molding

Multi-component injection molding

The multi component injection technology allows to obtain finished pieces, products with different materials for color or type of polymer (for example rigid material support and thermoplastic rubber overmoulding), thus obtaining the finished parts without manual assembly operations.

The molding department has a supply and transport system that allows centralized control of the drying process necessary for the production.

Machinery List


ARBURG 420V100 ton420 x 420R-B
ARBURG 520S160 ton520 x 520R-B-I
ARBURG 420C130 ton420 x 420R-B-I
ARBURG 420C100 ton420 x 420R-B-T
ARBURG 520S160 ton520 x 520R-B-I
ARBURG 570S220 ton570 x 570R-B-I
ARBURG 520S160 ton520 x 520R-B-I
ARBURG 520S160 ton520 x 520R-B-I

Quality Control

Measuring instruments and certifications

DSC 7 perkin elmern° 01
Optical smartscope flash and 250n° 02
Tesa 3d - dimensional & renishawn° 01
Trimos in thousandth h. 500 & 350n° 04
Aquatracn° 01
Stereoscope leican° 01

Polymer Suppliers